Asmaraloka Chapters is an organization founded with the ultimate goal of funding the education of children who don't have access to them due to financial reasons. Our mission is to host fundraising art exhibitions in order to raise funds to sponsor the education of children all around Indonesia. This event is the aspiration of the youth who understand and believe in the importance of education and feel moved to contribute in building the young generation of this nation through the creativity of the youth in our generation.

"From one youth to another" is our tagline to inspire the creative minds of the youth to participate in our organization, be it through their organizational skills or through their artworks. Asmaraloka Chapters will never be able to exist without our compassionate and willing artists and inspiring youths who aspire to contribute to this social challenge. Knowledge is Power. Without access to knowledge, we would be left powerless. We notice this, and we wish to change this. Everyone is deserving of access to knowledge.

As an organization, we believe that education is the key to empowering our generation and building a brighter tomorrow. Through our fundraising art exhibitions, we aim to make education accessible to those who need it most.

The Asmaraloka Name

A great deal of the theories we learned in science teaches us one thing in common: something cannot come from nothing. That depicts the word ‘origin’, meaning that there is always a start to something, and that something always has a story— the same goes for Asmaraloka.

Asmaraloka is derived from 2 different word-parts that compliment each other marvelously; “asmara” is defined as cinta, or love, while “loka” is defined as dunia, or world. Beautifully pieced together, asmaraloka indicates a world abounding of love— ‘dunia yang penuh cinta kasih’. And if we come to think of it, our goal seems to be precise with said definition.

When pondering of a perfect name, we had one desire in mind, which was to decide on something that truly represented us and our goal. As we stumbled upon the word ‘asmaraloka’, we’d say it was love at first sight, given that it corroborated the true nature of our vision— to sprinkle and extend love around in every single crevice of our world any way that we possibly can with the hopes that everyone will be able to experience the beauty of love.

We profoundly believe that no matter who you are or where you’re from, you are immensely deserving of love and knowledge to equip yourselves with. Frankly, every human being is equally deserving of love. Finally, exploring for a way to fulfill this dream of ours, we collectively decided that the first step we could take is to help provide access to education for those who may not be as privileged. Through this journey, we surely hope that these children will be able to understand how deeply loved they are to the extent that they will be inspired enough to spread the same all-encompassing love to others.